Restraint Reduction and managing Challenging Behaviour Course.
The aim of the system is to help you to achieve an outstanding judgement within the new OFTED and CQC framework in terms of Behaviour and Attitudes and Personal Development.
- Reduce restraints
- Reduce exclusions in schools
- Provide a positive learning environment through Restorative Practices
- Help the care environment be more safe for staff
- Understanding behaviour
- Communication
- De-escalation
- Restrictive and Non-restrictive Physical Interventions
- Restorative Practises

Staff will learn about their psychological responses to challenging behaviour, the needs and wants of all students, the reasons why behaviour can escalate and how to plan for and manage it, thus empowering staff to have high expectations for learners behaviour and conduct.
This course is recommended for…
All front-line staff that are managing challenging behaviour in school or care environment
Course Overview
- Completing workshops in the Safe Schools System and the stages of Incident.
- Planning – Individual Behaviour plans – to help students to re-regulate their behaviour.
- ABC Charting – to share good practise, identify triggers and patterns of behaviour, provide consistency and support each other.
- Behaviour For Learning targets – Differentiation in lessons which will identify behavioural needs of each individual student and a system which will evidence their progress towards achieving the high expectations of behaviour and conduct set by the school.
Course Benefits
Keep everyone safe in school, Reduce restraints, Reduce Exclusions, Provide a positive learning environment through Restorative PractisesCourse Duration : 3 hours learning
This course is recommended for…
All employees at all levels of your organisation. Managers will inevitably be faced with disgruntled staff within their line management, Front line nursing staff, Care industry staff and in education Teachers’ are often having to negotiating the needs and wants of families, patients, and pupils in situations that can presents a very real risk of escalated behaviour which, in-order to manage, will require trained confident staff.
Course Overview
Using practical scenarios and group activities the course raises participants’ experience, awareness and understanding as to the subtle and more obvious causes of conflict. Through work-based simulations, staff will learn about proactive interventions to show how being proactive can reduce the risk of escalated behaviour. Simple yet very effective de-escalation techniques are interspersed into the practical sessions to give your staff skills to manage low level escalated behaviour and prevent further escalation. Communication is key to reducing the risk of escalated behaviour so this course uses practical activities to give your staff experience of the positive and negative outcomes of the different communication methods.Course Benefits
- Identify triggers to aggressive behaviour
- Identify the key components present in escalated behaviour and the different stages of conflict escalation
- Understand the impact of a behaviour cycle
- Know when to use de-escalation to prevent aggressive behaviour
- Understand the impact of effective communication in reducing the risk of escalated behaviour
- Understand the benefits of proactive interventions to reduce the risk of aggressive behaviour and its positive impact on staff management of escalated behaviour
- Understand the benefits of positively reviewing conflict events to implement strategies to reduce the risk of a further conflict